Name: Monster Pet Bundle
Price: 15.00 AUD

Grants the ability to summon all vanilla monsters! (excluding bosses)

  • Use /pet to summon your pet.
  • Right-click your pet to customize it.
  • They are passive and do not attack anything.
  • You can ride them or wear them as a hat.

Applies to servers: Survival, Skyblock, SkyGrid, Hub

Includes 25 mobs:

Blaze, Creeper, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Hoglin, Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Piglin Brute, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zoglin, Zombie, and Zombie Villager